----------------------- Purchasing PopMenu Xtra ----------------------- To license PopMenu Xtra, please contact g/matter, inc. at or at +1-415-243-0394 phone +1-415-243-0396 facsimile 300 Brannan Street, Suite 210 San Francisco, California USA 94107 http://www.gmatter.com/ ------------------------ Registering PopMenu Xtra ------------------------ To register PopMenu Xtra, choose "PopMenu-->Register" from the Xtras menu. You will be presented with a dialog box in which you should type your serial number. Although this writes a registration file to disk, you do not need to distribute any files with your projectors except for the actual PopMenu Xtra files. ----------------------- Installing PopMenu Xtra ----------------------- PopMenu Xtra consists of 3 files: PopMenu Xtra™ -- the Macintosh 68K and PowerPC Xtra PopMenu.x16 -- the 16-bit Windows Xtra PopMenu.x32 -- the 32-bit Windows Xtra When Director launches, it automatically locates Xtras by looking in two special places: Macintosh --------- Location #1: The Xtras folder which is in the same location as your Director application. Location #2: The Macromedia:Xtras folder contained in your System folder. Windows ------- Location #1: The Xtras subdirectory which is in the same location as your Director application. Location #2: The Windows\Macromed\Xtras subdirectory on Windows 3.1 -OR- The Program Files\Common Files\Macromedia\Xtras subdirectory on Windows 95 or Windows NT. To make the PopMenu Xtra available to your copy of Director, you simply need to copy the PopMenu Xtra folder/subdirectory contained on the enclosed CD onto your hard disk in the appropriate place as described above. Macintosh --------- Copy the folder located on the root of the CD named "PopMenu Xtra™" Windows ------- Copy the subdirectory located on the root of the CD named "POPMENU" You can keep PopMenu Xtra in its own folder/subdirectory (Director will search up to 5 levels deep in the Xtras folder/subdirectory looking for Xtras at launch time.) ---------------------------- Installing PopMenu Xtra Help ---------------------------- PopMenu Xtra Help comes in the form of a single help file: PopMenu Xtra™ Help -- the Macintosh Help File POPMENU.HLP -- the Windows Help File This file needs to be placed in a specific location for it to be accessible through the Xtras-->PopMenu Xtra--->Help command: Macintosh --------- Place the help file into the "Help" folder where your Director application is located. Windows ------- Place the help file into the same subdirectory where your Director application is located. -------------------------------------- Using PopMenu Xtra -- A Quick Tutorial -------------------------------------- 1. From the Insert menu, choose "Red Eye Xtras-->PopMenu" and this will place a new PopMenu castmember in the cast. 2. From the Insert menu, choose "Control-->Field" and this will place a new field in the cast. You'll use this field to create your menu definition. 3. Double-click on the newly-created field castmember and name it "popup list". You can call it anything you like. Now, define a popup menu by placing the names of each menu item in the list. Each item should be separated by a return or a semi-colon character and to define a submenu, you should use the left square brace. When finished with a submenu definition, close it off with a right square brace. An example of a menu definition of food items with some submenus would be: Bread Fruit[Bananas;Apples;Kiwi;Oranges] Cheese Vegetables[Carrots;Spinach;Cabbage] Eggs In this example, the Fruit and Vegetables each have a submenu associated with them. 4. After creating your menu definition, close the field entry window and double-click on the PopMenu castmember to get the properties dialog. Here, you can specify different options for the behavior and display of the PopMenu, but the most important thing to do is to link your menu definition to the PopMenu castmember. In the upper-left corner of the Properties dialog, you will see a popup menu (Macintosh) or a combo box (Windows) indicating the cast library and the field castmember for the menu definition. Go ahead and select the field castmember you just created, then close the Properties dialog. 5. Select the PopMenu castmember in the Cast Window and name it "myPopup" in the field at the top of the window. 6. Press the script button on the upper-right corner of the window. For the castmember script, type in the following: on mouseDown alert "You selected the menu item:" && the selectedText of member "myPopup" alert "You selected the menu spec:" && the selectedSpec of member "myPopup" end You should always check the mouseDown script for the selectedText and selectedSpec. The mouseUp script will not get activated under Windows if the user clicks the mouse down then up and then clicks the mouse down again to select a menu item. If the selectedText or the selectedSpec is equal to an empty string (""), then the user made no menu selection. Remember, this example is just to illustrate how the selectedText and the selectedSpec property work. After a PopMenu has been activated, the selectedText property will return the last selected text made by the user. The selectedSpec indicates the numerical positioning of the items. Unless you have multiple menu items with the same text or other special needs, you should use the selectedText property in favor of the selectedSpec. 7. Finally, drag the PopMenu castmember anywhere on the stage and run the movie. Try selected some items from the menu and you will see just how easy the PopMenu is to use. ------------------------------------- Additional Technical Support and Help ------------------------------------- You can invoke the on-line help system for PopMenu by choosing "PopMenu-->Help" from the Xtras menu. To get a list of all of the PopMenu properties, you can get the propertyNames property and to get a list of the functions, you can get the functionNames property. g/matter, inc. will respond to registered customers for all technical inquiries and licensing questions regarding PopMenu by e-mail at: